Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hello family just updating on the blog... T.C shared that he wanted to come on the cruise a few months and since then he has progressed with getting ready for the cruise by even already purchasing his plane ticket, that is what i want to encourage the family to begin doing that, Aunt Syl shared that round trip tickets were 213.00 when she checked last which is really affordable ad unheard of! so make sure you begin doing that. Also i notice that I didn't get much feedback about the t-shirts, so Aunt Syl and i decided that we should all got to custominc.com an create our own t-shirts how we wan them. However all the t-shirts need to have the same base colors of the Bohemian flag (yellow,black,and turquoise) so the base color should be one of those colors, after that you can decorate how you choose. So heres the update regarding the cruise, Enjoy the blog and BonVoyage!! 3months!!


  1. I get so excited as we keep each other updated about the family cruise and how we are all looking forward to celebrating with each other. We all have a part in helping to make this a successful event. To the glory of God!!!

  2. We are the inclusive family of Hairston, Moe, Buton, Robinson, Matthews, Hales, Davis and many others. The more, the merrier, visit our origins at www.hairstonclan.com
