Sunday, July 21, 2013


I am back on the blog this week announcing some good news about the cruise... we would like to welcome Theodore Hairston Jr. a.k.a TC. he made the decision to join the cruise attendence and we are very happy to welcom him.. we are approaching the end of July meaning that August is near.. which leaves us with 3 1/2 months (approx.) left until our family cruise... I am very excited for all of us to come together and enjoy family time.... so it is now very much crucial that we are reserving airfare and paying totals.. the deposit stage should have been passed and if it hasn't you need to contact Alice or whoever you all reserved your cruise under... so we are excited and BON VOYAGE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Izaiah, this is a wonderful blog! You have taken it to a whole new level. Lead us aboard and to our destination :)
