Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Golden Coast

Hello family I am updating the blog with some news about the cruise. Myself ,Karen,Sylvia,Tabitha,and Ericka have paid the final payments on cruise and the deadline is in the next couple of days so pay up!! I am announcing some more news . For the last 5-6 years I have had a overbearing desire to go to California it is something about that place that I can sincerely see myself being and living there... So as a treat to myself for my graduation with the class of '14 I have decided to plan a trip to California which I am hoping to take place  the first week of July in 2014... I have ordered some travel guide books from the website so if anyone is interested in making this step to going please let me know ...i need people who are seriously committed to this trip because I tend to not be able to handle last minute changes well... But I do understand things happen so if interested let me know and I will mail travel guides to you all... I will see most of you on the cruise in about 10 weeks, Bon voyage

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's a "right now" word

Hello Family,I am Starting a mini segment that introduces our family member E.D.H (Everlean Doretha Hairston) providing some encouraging words and powerful revelations . Here it is . "Romans 15:4 for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning , that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope" greetings Pendana in Jesus name! Give the upmost glory and thanks to our Abba Father for granting me the Privelige and am indeed honored to be apart of the Hairston Pendana blog . On August 10,2013 at twelve noon Sisters Karen Moe and Sylvia Hairston were inspired to introduce the "New money life and personal finances" lessons for those who were on the line."". Personally for me ,this overall , for our family is a long time coming and  pass overdue. *when the praises go up, the blessings truly come down. This post is to prayerfully contribute to a healthy foundation for Pendana to build this study upon.As did Nehamiah in order to rebuild the walls of Jerusulem and rally the Jews as a nation(Nehamiah 1:1-3:32) please Pendana SEE; when Ezra read the law (Nehamiah 8:1-18) my spiritual belief is that as we diligently take part in this Money life Christian based study we will be making our own BOOTHS  for our families and generations to come may dwell in as Nehamiah 8:15-17. ***Yes Pendana ***
 First and far most Pendana let us confess all of our sins known and unknown , Second, seek Gods forgiveness, and lastly , set a Pendana seal for a renewal covenant with God. In Jesus name let us all say .......... Comment below with your amen ... In HIS service

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Hello family just updating on the blog... T.C shared that he wanted to come on the cruise a few months and since then he has progressed with getting ready for the cruise by even already purchasing his plane ticket, that is what i want to encourage the family to begin doing that, Aunt Syl shared that round trip tickets were 213.00 when she checked last which is really affordable ad unheard of! so make sure you begin doing that. Also i notice that I didn't get much feedback about the t-shirts, so Aunt Syl and i decided that we should all got to an create our own t-shirts how we wan them. However all the t-shirts need to have the same base colors of the Bohemian flag (yellow,black,and turquoise) so the base color should be one of those colors, after that you can decorate how you choose. So heres the update regarding the cruise, Enjoy the blog and BonVoyage!! 3months!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


I am back on the blog this week announcing some good news about the cruise... we would like to welcome Theodore Hairston Jr. a.k.a TC. he made the decision to join the cruise attendence and we are very happy to welcom him.. we are approaching the end of July meaning that August is near.. which leaves us with 3 1/2 months (approx.) left until our family cruise... I am very excited for all of us to come together and enjoy family time.... so it is now very much crucial that we are reserving airfare and paying totals.. the deposit stage should have been passed and if it hasn't you need to contact Alice or whoever you all reserved your cruise under... so we are excited and BON VOYAGE!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Welcome Back

I am glad to have restarted the Pendana blog!!... this is another way for the family to keep up to date about what is going on in the family.. Expect updates about every Sunday when the cruise newsletters are sent out.. The cruise updates will be on Facebook and this blog.. as far as everything else, it will be on this blog. It is up to the family to communicate to me about news that I can share on here. Any questions, comments, or concerns contact me at Below are some pictures just to give this blog that family feel. Thanks, and Welcome Back!